dotest 522 B

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # ad hoc debug tool
  3. x=$1
  4. y=$2
  5. xout=`basename $x`.xxx.$$
  6. yout=`basename $x`.yyy.$$
  7. mkdir $xout
  8. mkdir $yout
  9. for i in *.s
  10. do
  11. echo Testing $i...
  12. object=`basename $i .s`.o
  13. $x $i -o $xout/$object
  14. $y $i -o $yout/$object
  15. # if they cmp, we're ok. Otherwise we have to look closer.
  16. if (cmp $xout/$object $yout/$object)
  17. then
  18. echo $i is ok.
  19. else
  20. if (doobjcmp $xout/$object $yout/$object)
  21. then
  22. echo Not the same but objcmp ok.
  23. else
  24. exit 1
  25. fi
  26. fi
  27. echo
  28. done
  29. rm -rf $xout $yout
  30. exit 0
  31. # EOF