jalbal.s 305 B

  1. # Test that jal gets converted to bal on the RM9000 when it is in range.
  2. .text
  3. .global s1
  4. .type s1,@function
  5. .set noreorder
  6. s1:
  7. jal s3
  8. nop
  9. jal s3
  10. s2:
  11. nop
  12. .space 0x1fff8
  13. s3:
  14. jal s2
  15. nop
  16. jal s2
  17. nop
  18. # Force at least 8 (non-delay-slot) zero bytes, to make 'objdump' print ...
  19. .align 2
  20. .space 8