pic-and-nonpic-3a-r6.dd 801 B

  1. # GOT layout:
  2. #
  3. # -32752: lazy resolution function
  4. # -32748: reserved for module pointer
  5. # -32744: the GOT page entry
  6. # -32740: foo's GOT entry
  7. # -32736: ext's GOT entry
  8. .*
  9. Disassembly of section \.text:
  10. 00000800 <foo>:
  11. 800: 3c1c0001 lui gp,0x1
  12. 804: 279c7bf0 addiu gp,gp,31728
  13. 808: 0399e021 addu gp,gp,t9
  14. 80c: 8f99801c lw t9,-32740\(gp\)
  15. 810: 8f828018 lw v0,-32744\(gp\)
  16. 814: 24420000 addiu v0,v0,0
  17. 818: d8190000 jrc t9
  18. 0000081c <bar>:
  19. 81c: 3c1c0001 lui gp,0x1
  20. 820: 279c7bd4 addiu gp,gp,31700
  21. 824: 0399e021 addu gp,gp,t9
  22. 828: 8f998020 lw t9,-32736\(gp\)
  23. 82c: d8190000 jrc t9
  24. #...
  25. Disassembly of section \.MIPS\.stubs:
  26. 00000c00 <_MIPS_STUBS_>:
  27. c00: 8f998010 lw t9,-32752\(gp\)
  28. c04: 03e07825 move t7,ra
  29. c08: 2418[0-9a-f]+ li t8,[0-9]+
  30. c0c: f8190000 jalrc t9
  31. \.\.\.